
Our hearts are sometimes too willing to hold onto things it shouldn’t. Our heart beating depends on no man but God.


My heart beats fast.
Scaring the butterflies inside.
The sound of your voice,
The sight of your face,
The scent of your skin..
It all sends them flying around like crazy.
These poor confused butterflies only want to be set free.
They are trapt by the very thought of you,
With no way of escape.
They crave this feeling,
The feeling that you may set them free.
But we both know the sad truth.
Now they just sit around uneasy,
Not knowing what it is they should feel.
Going back into their cucoons until the day they can truly spread their wings and take flight.
Until then…

I love this.


“People don’t realize this but loneliness, it’s underrated.” No, I didn’t write it. Yes, it’s from a movie. Doesn’t make it less true.

It’s no secret that I absolutely adore (500) Days of Summer. As a film, it transcends generations through its boldfaced honesty and reaches to the hopeless romantic in each of us. Tom, the hopeful hero of the story, is a character who we all can relate to. Just like him, we’re eventually drawn to the idea of true love at some point in our lives. But that’s through no fault of our own. We’d see it in movies, hear it play on the radio, and read about it in books. We’re exposed to it at such a young age that it becomes more of a goal than our own dreams, which is pretty much what happened to Tom. He’s the only enduring human trait throughout the…

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Silent Screams

Sometimes silence screams, 
Louder than words ever could.
Silence screaming somber suggestions.
The silence. The silence. The silence.
The silence won’t cease!
Those unspoken words,
Words too painful to the ears,
Too gut wrenching to the heart.
Silent screaming sonnets of loss,
Scorned love, and severed friendships.